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(NSN6843252)NSN 6843252 ABILITYONE® PURELL® SKILCRAFT® Professional HEALTHY SOAP® 0.5% BAK Antimicrobial Foam ( Per )

PURELL® SKILCRAFT® ES8 System offers an AT-A-GLANCE™ refill design as well as breakthrough Energy-on-the-Refill Technology. Quick-action antimicrobial foam soap helps reduce bacteria while helping skin maintain its natural moisture barrier. Hypoallergenic


This system offers an AT-A-GLANCE™ refill design as well as breakthrough Energy-on-the-Refill Technology—each new refill comes with a new battery. With the PURELL® SKILCRAFT® Professional HEALTHY SOAP® 0.5% BAK Antimicrobial Foam ES8 refill efficacy and m
Helps reduce bacteria on skin that could cause disease.
Hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested.
Dye-free with light fragrance.

8520016843252 PURELL SKILCRAFT Professional HEALTHY SOAP 0.5% BAK Antimicrobial Foam, Light Fragrance, 1,200 mL, 2/Box

(2 Per )