A first-aid essential. Textured handles for a sure grip. Ideal for splinter removal.
A first-aid essential, textured handles for a sure grip.
Ideal for splinter removal.
9286766 FAO FAE6019
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A first-aid essential. Textured handles for a sure grip. Ideal for splinter removal.
CompareA first-aid essential. Textured handles for a sure grip. Ideal for splinter removal.
A first-aid essential, textured handles for a sure grip.
Ideal for splinter removal.
9286766 FAO FAE6019
Very aggressive stripping pad.
Calcium carbonate chewable tablets help reduce your stomach's acidity level, providing relief from heartburn and acid indigestion. Packaged for individual use to replenish first aid stations and kits.
This pad is designed for light duty cleaning and buffing.
Easy-to-swallow coated tablets with extra-strength fever reducer and pain reliever. Packaged for individual use to replenish first aid stations and kits.