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(PRB04542)PRB 04542 – Medical Security Papers, 24 lb Bond Weight, 8.5 x 11, Green, 500/Ream by PARIS CORPORATION (500/RM)

Print secure prescriptions and medical reports using your office inkjet or laser printer. Tamper resistant with up to 10 security features. Available in three levels of security protection. Meet and/or exceed federal guidelines set by the Centers for Medi



Prevent unauthorized copies and safeguard confidential business, legal, healthcare and personal documents. Designed to meet and exceed federal guidelines for tamper-resistant security paper set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Colored ba

The ultimate fraud fighter – DocuGard's medical security paper has up to ten layered features ensuring that your prescriptions and documents cannot be tampered with or accurately duplicated.

Meets and exceeds US Federal CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) guidelines for tamper-resistant security paper, is compliant with most state regulations and is compatible with e-prescribing software platforms.

For use with all laser and inkjet printers.


9405044 PRB 04542

