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(TAB00488)TAB 00488 – Allergy Warning Labels, ALLERGIC TO: PENICILLN, CODEINE, SULFA, 2.5 x 4, Fluorescent Red, 100/Roll by TABBIES (1/RL)

Alert medical staff to important information with attention-grabbing labels. Each label has space to write more specific allergy information. Can be placed directly on paperwork and file folders. Permanent adhesive.



Alert medical staff to important information with attention-grabbing labels. Each label has space to write more specific allergy information. Can be placed directly on paperwork and file folders. Permanent adhesive.

Alert medical staff to important information with attention-grabbing labels.

Each label has space to write more specific allergy information.

Can be placed directly on paperwork and file folders.

Permanent adhesive.


9425927 TAB 00488



SKU: TAB-00488 Categories: , , Tags: , ,