Get everything you need to report miscellaneous income to the IRS. This Adams® Online Tax Kit includes 10 5-Part 1099-MISC sets, 3 1096 summary forms, 10 peel and seal security envelopes and access to Tax Forms Helper® Online, the fast and easy way to fil
On-line tax kit has all you need to file 1099-MISC for 10 recipients; 10 five-part 1099-MISC sets, three 1096, 10 envelopes and Tax Forms Helper® Online.
Use Form 1099-MISC to report miscellaneous income to the IRS and your recipients, including rents, royalties and other income payments.
As of 2022, 1099-MISC is an IRS continuous-use form with a new fill-in-the-year date field good for multiple tax years; meets IRS specifications and is accounting software and QuickBooks compatible.
Five-part 1099-MISC inkjet/laser forms print two-up on five micro perforated sheets per copy; includes IRS scannable red ink pages with Copies A, C/1, B, 2 and C/1.
Includes access to Tax Forms Helper® Online with QuickBooks® connection (code and password enclosed in your tax forms pack).
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