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(TOP50135RV)TOP 50135RV – CMS-1500 Medicare/Medicaid Forms for Laser Printers, One-Part (No Copies), 8.5 x 11, 250 Forms Total by TOPS BUSINESS FORMS (250/PK)

Expedite Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance benefits. NUCC, CMS and AMA approved format. (02/12) version. Printed front and back in red OCR ink for scanning.



Expedite Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance benefits. NUCC, CMS and AMA approved format. (02/12) version. Printed front and back in red OCR ink for scanning.

CMS-1500 claim forms (formerly known as HCFA-1500 claim forms) expedite Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance benefits.

Top sensor bar for microfiche duplication, as required in some states.

OCR red ink for scanning.


9472507 TOP 50135RV

